Monday, March 27, 2017

這一生都不能忽略的 - 健康

 今天是我爸爸的生日!55+歲了!

感恩在5年前,姐姐Wai San透過了她的教練 Amilia Wong接觸了這麼棒的細胞營養,把這營養帶給我們全家人,成為了家庭的健康大使!


這營養公司真的好有,除了給予優質的產品以外,(世界顶尖的医学团队) 我們每一天所喝的奶昔其實也在捐款,一部分將會捐去 康寶萊的家庭基金会 Herbalife Family Foundation

再來,不只“給”…還会“”你如何照顧好自己,再照顧好身邊的朋友家人!以愛出發,這也是康寶萊創辦人 - 馬克•休斯的出發點!

Product Result May Vary Individually


营养 = 康宝莱康宝莱就是全方位细胞营养




WeChat: vicomun

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mentally Challenged Children 建安智障儿童

A day visit to Malaysian Association for The Welfare of Mentally Challenged Children (IQ70 Plus).

Holistic Herbalife Nutrition Shake for Everyone!

They are having their lunch together!

Things donated by all of us from different Nutrition Club - Coaches & Club Drinkers.

Some of them are actually can take care by themselves, just a lower IQ make them unable to get work in this speedy social. Yet, they are here to take care others too!

 Look properly on this, the average monthly expenses they needed TOTAL RM40k+!!
Currently here got 38 childrens.

The chair person here are so kind that he is not receiving any payments by take caring on those mentally challenged child. Entire expenses are from donations.

Thus, I'm here to encourage people who are competent to give a hand, no matter what action you do (Donate goods/money, share it), you make a difference!

Address: 1118, Jalan Gasing, 46000, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-7960 8003
Fax: 03-7960 8005
CIMB Bank A/C: 800-339-9036

A Simple Act Of You, Create An Endless Love !
Don't ever underestimated yourself!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Make LIFE Simple! 把生活简单化

I can't believe and I appreciated it! 
I'm glad my family and I being met with Herbalife Nutrition, such a great company which totally changed us to be a better, healthier, happier person! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! 


Oh...I should thanks the founder of Herbalife, Mark Hughes an American who is so keen to inspire and leading world people toward a Healthy Active Lifestyle by bringing the East traditional herbal knowledge combined with the West high scientific technology and produced such an outstanding cellular nutrition products! - For me, it is a holistic care on HEALTH.  

正确来说,我应该感谢康宝莱创办人 —— 马克休斯,一位尽所能影响及带领世界的每个人趋向健康活跃的生活。透过把东方的草药精华配合西方的高科技科学,成功的创造出一级棒的细胞营养产品……对我来说,它是个全方位的健康守护。 

I would like to define Health: According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO, 1948) 
[Physical-Looking great; Mental-Positive energy; Social Well-being-CSR (CASA Herbalife)]

So what I meant on Health mentioned above is exactly same as definition by WHO. 我上方所说的健康相等于世界卫生组织的定义。

My Changes 我的变化

A simple step to change. Suddenly found out a photo (left) which is taken in past 2 years, April'13. I'm actually quite grateful that I had been changed, not solely the physical look on me but also the inner (health + mindset), I knew myself well and indeed which none of anyone know. :) 

简单的改变。无意中发现这2年前左边的旧照片(2013年4月)。当我看见这照片时打从心底非常的感恩,因为我知道我自己的变化,不仅仅是外观,同时内在(健康+思维)也改变了。当中的变化就只有自己清楚了解。 :) 

Personal sharing: I easily fall sick until I mastered with medicine type :O Having digestive problem, lack of energy (easily gasp), period pain and pimples problem. After taking cellular nutrition, problems had been improved! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You I Love You, I Love You, I Love You!!


I did not do much to change, a simple step I do is just changed my breakfast to the shake (Let me emphasis, it is so tasty!!!). When my body start to absorb cellular nutrition, a fundamental nutrition that our body need, automatically my inner body function well and get back on the right track. Subsequently changed my appearance (pale face to looking great).  


Holistic Care 完整守护

Why I said it is "holistic care"? Because what Herbalife provided is not only consumable product but also guidance by personal wellness coach, concept instilled and brand name warrant (more than 30 years and 94 countries globally) where consumer rely on for assurance. 
为什么我说康宝莱是全方位的健康守护? 因为康宝莱提供的不仅仅是食用的产品,当中包括了个人教练的指导、概念的灌输及品牌的保证(超过30年的历史和94个国家)。

***Personal Wellness Coach 个人指导教练:To assist, analyse, interpret, monitor and provide or share information to consumer to ensure their health or progress  is under supervise and result achieved. Coach are all well-trained and brand of the brand! 辅导、分析、解说、给予或分享相关资料以确保顾客的健康/使用过程紧密监察和达到满意效果。教练们自身都是品牌中的品牌,受过专业的课程及训练。

***Concept 概念:Concept is very important when you are in the progress on health care, lose weight or even gain weight. "80% Nutrition + 20% Workout = 100% Mindset" is always stressed by Herbalife company. This aim to nurture consumer who can take care and adjust by themselves even without coach when they truly understand the concept. 概念在保健、减重甚至增重的过程中是非常重要的因素。康宝莱公司强力鼓励 “80%营养 + 20%运动 = 100% 思维”。这主要为了让顾客们能够独立看管自己的饮食及健康。

In brief, Herbalife company not only sell products. It is a series of service, from pre-service until post-service. What we concerned on is the result of individual and helping everyone getting better lifestyle through this nutrition and system of the company. Introducing balanced nutrition to the world is ultimate goal of Herbalife! 总结来说,康宝莱不是卖产品而已,它有着系统性的服务,从售前服务至售后服务。我们在乎的是个人的产品效果及透过公司的系统带给人们更棒的生活。把均衡的营养带给全世界是康宝莱的最终愿景!

Changes of My Sister a.k.a My Coach 我姐的变化(我的教练)

Same goes to my sister, she is a heavier appetite for food since small. Especially those spicy, fried food and etc. What making worse was she seldom drink water until having constipation, pimples and doesn't look great (healthy) as photo above left shown. In addition, she is the typical person who lazy to exercise and get sweat. 

But why she could lose weight in a healthy way? Is all about diet intake! "You Are What You Eat!" This is the proof that how a person's eating habit changing one's appearance. As you already had a bit idea on what she eat everyday at the "before" having the right concept, so guess now what she eat nowadays/everyday to change her become as shown of the right picture? Nutrition of course!! (We are taking HERBALIFE!! Cellular Nutrition!)
那她又是如何健康的瘦下来的呢?这都赖于她的饮食习惯。“你吃什么,你就是什么!” 这就是饮食习惯如何改变一个人的外观。想问问大家,既然你都大概知道之前的她吃什么了,那猜猜看现在的她到底是吃了什么?那当然是营养啦!我们都使用康宝莱—细胞营养!!

Ehem, is a bit chatter on my sharing and I would like to stop here la! Haha.
Hopefully it was a useful and great sharing!! =)

"Every JOURNEY which made a DIFFERENCE start with your First Step!" Let's make your first step now!

Start Up Program!

***Results are not typical, individual may vary.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Living need water 生物需要水

之前提到要分享水的重要性,现在假期总算得空了!Now is the break time for me to share about WATER!

水、水、水……谁不知道很重要呢?在这世上都不能缺水,地球不能缺水,大自然不能缺水,植物动物不能缺水,就连细菌都不能缺水!!!显然没有水 = 没有你!
WATER, Water, water......Everyone knew about the importance of water. No one in the world can live without water, the earth need it, the ecology need it, flora fauna need it and even bacteria need it!

We know water is important but to what extent? Let's mentioned some benefits here (view of human being)!

Other than benefits listed in the picture above, water also help to transport nutrition to our body cells and detox wastage. Main element of blood and lymph, and also help to neutral our body temperature.

当然很多人不清楚该喝多少才算足够,常听的8杯水又是多少呢?How much shall we consume?
  • 我们人体构造约70%是水分,而大脑就几乎高达80%了!70% of our body comprised water, and our brain is almost 80%!
  • 每个人所需的量也会不同,体积大的当然比矮小的要来得多。Different people need vary.
To know the ideal portion of water consumption, take your current weight times 0.07 then this is the amount that you need to drink daily. Imagine if a person insufficient supply water to body, the body will repeated using the leftover water (just like rancid water) in body to function (I guess the face won't be looking good with that)! In long term, Edema/Dropsy will happened.

平日我们透过呼吸、排汗、排尿等就已经消耗约2.8公升的水了, 加上马来西亚天气酷热,所以一定要定时补充水分!别等到口干才喝,因为这代表身体已开始脱水!
In daily life, we will use up to approximate 2.8litre water through breathing, sweating and urine. In addition with hot weather in Malaysia, regular intake of water is crucial! Don't wait until thirsty only drink because this is a sign that your body already start to dehydrate.

[个人建议至少每天3公升,你会有所感觉 Personal suggest daily consumed at least 3litre, you'll feel the difference]

饮料是水吗?Is beverage water?
那就要看看是什么饮料,若是绿汁蔬果汁等勉强还算ok! 但是咖啡、红茶、汽水、罐装果汁、维他命水红牛都不算哦!这些反而加速身体脱水!对于咖啡嗜好者,咖啡不是不可以喝,只是喝了以后要喝回3倍的水来補充水分。
It depends. vegetable or fruit juice consider yes. However, coffee, red tea, soda/pop drink, can drink, vitamin supplement drink and red bull are NOT! These will more dehydrate your body after drink! If you drink coffee, make sure you consumed back triple same volume of water to hydrate your body.

顺便提提,鼓励减少使用瓶装水。By the way, use less one-off water bottle.
  1. 一个瓶装水的寿命高达数千年,每年所丢弃的膠瓶都快装不下了,落后的国家就会丢进海洋,而许多海洋生物误吞导致呛死。尽可能减少使用瓶装水/用后记得回收,自带水壶。One-off water bottle which hard to decompose made our our burden with it. Some been thrown to ocean made sea's living died after swallow it. So, be try to reduce use of it (recycle after used), brings own water bottle.
  2. 常喝瓶装水也会酸化体质,许多畅销的瓶装水检验下得出的酸碱值都在5-6之间。Frequent drink of one-off water bottle will lead to acidic body as experiment carried out show most of the PH value are in 5-6.
总括来说,定时提供充足的水给你的身体。多益无害,免费保养!To conclude, regular intake water for supplying to body. Is a FREE tool to take good care for your body and health!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

“投资”您的健康 - "Investment" in Your Health

我希望我的分享能够一切从简 :)

最近在阅读来自于Kris Carr的《效果惊人!90%的疾病都能逆转—全食物救命奇迹》。我又更了解自己的身体了!


聪明人就会选择"投资"健康,才能享受! 任何的投资都是在为未来做保障,投资健康也一样!
《效》提到,我们的健康与饮食息息相关。You are What You EAT! 我们都很爱吃,但吃的东西并不一定是我们的细胞所需要的。你吃什么,细胞便吸收什么。这也为什么“均衡的饮食”这字眼常常出现!在食物上我们通常都摄取大量的高卡、高脂、高糖的成分,却摄取甚少的矿物质和维生素。长年累月,不平衡的摄取量将累垮我们的身体,所谓“物极必反”!所以请视我们的身体为银行户头,定时定期的“存款”,既是多摄取含高营养素食品,为身体存下足够的矿物质。因为当一盘美味的汉堡(超酸性、高脂、高糖、高卡!)进入我们体内后,身体立刻使用体内的营养素将它中和。要是存款不够,后果便是负债!!


顺便提提,水—很重要!!!水属碱性,多喝水也能够帮助中和体内的酸性物质。此外,它的功能是在太多了!有机会再分享水的重要性!:) 分享了哦!

小小的分享:妈妈每年定期都会到医院做个全身检查。就在去年开始,妈妈开始饮用了康宝莱F1奶昔当早餐后,惊喜的事就出现了!医生竟然问妈妈一句话,“你最近有做运动吗?你的细胞很活跃呢!” 这令妈妈又惊又喜!其实妈妈还是一样家庭主妇,没刻意做运动,就只是开始了“细胞营养!”没错,是细胞营养。康宝莱的奶昔不只是全方位(拥有完整的营养锁链)营养,而是细胞需要的营养!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015




年三十晚: 妈妈煮的好料,赞!辛苦了~ 



晚上有幸请家人看戏 !




Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lifestyle We Were Pursuing, You should too!

To all dear guys, friends and family,

I believe majority of you noticed that I was taking Herbalife Nutrition. In other way saying, it changed my life better and I believe will be more in future! In terms of health, I have better stamina unlike in the case when I'm in primary or secondary school, I always having hard breath after sports (1). My sister, being a personal wellness coach right now definitely had become better, healthier and prettier than before she took this nutrition (2). My parents, they may not have sufficient idea about health, ideal diet consumption intake and concept of nutrition right now, but my sister and I will surely take care of their health by serving such best nutrition and also lead them together towards the Healthy Active Lifestyle (3)(4). In terms of mentally, we have better environment surround with positive, healthy and supportive energy.

I typed this posts merely is to share with you guys about the nutrition. As myself had witness that a lots of people because of taking nutrition, they lose their weight, they gain weight and also for senior citizen, their health were at least be taking care on. Yet, what is the point that I want to mention here is, most of them had become healthier, healthier and healthier!!! (HERBALIFE: Sharing of Love :))

Actually by everyone known that where will be a disease came in, first definitely is obese. A doctor said, when you are obese, you are actually is a sick patients that need to be care on. An obese person had higher chance compared to others for getting stroke, heart attack, kidney failure & etc due to high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. Turn another way round, how do those came in? Is ALL About EATING - Diet Consumption. Maybe people will thought that high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes (5) is common nowadays as everyone are used to take "drugs"  by controlling them. But, are you willing to consume drugs everyday??? (6) Bear in minds, medicine is just a palliatives that temporary medical relief but not the root of causes!

For people who underweight, people will think that they have better conditions than an obese. Yet, this is not the truth. They thin most probably due to their villi in small intestine had spoiled and do not absorb any nutrition and fats from what they had ate. It also simply means that they have lack of nutrition (7). At the same time, they may have higher visceral fats (can know through body scan) than an obese person.

80% Nutrition + 20% Fit hours = 100% Healthy Active Lifestyle

Now, organic stuff everywhere, sports events everywhere...can't you saw that?? Health issue is the main concerned of this GLOBAL now!!! Don't continue to ignore anything that was happening right now. No matter chance given more or less, you don't grab it equality to ZERO!!

Nutrition help to repair and regenerate our cells. Taking nutrition is a long-term investment on our health, just like an insurance. "Prevent better than cure", health care do not conflict with your age. No matter what age your are, as long as we breath, we need! Even plant and animal need their own nutrients! When nutrition taken, your cells had consume "right food" then they will be strong, when your cells strong, you are not easily fall sick. Hence, you are definitely look good from your inner to outer when you are health!

Here, through my blog, I simply hope that each of everyone of you can have better, better and better lifestyle and good in health conditions, same to mentally. Everyday when I log in my Facebook account, negative posts were everywhere (read more positive book, found your solutions, posts it out may not help but made yourself more dept in that situations/chat with someone who capable to give guidance [person who have overcome in such situations]), several peoples health problem. As I have a better way to make myself better in such aspects, I also wish that this 'good fortune' may share to all of you.

Last but not least, few statement have to make here.

  1. This posts do not represent any party, purely from my own view and opinion.
  2. Herbalife is a cellular nutrition.
  3. Herbalife F1 is just a food, do not contain any healing effect. 
  4. Results might be different for everyone due to different body index and others factors.
  5. Everyone who start their Herbalife nutrition will have a personal wellness coach to guide you and assist you to get the result you want. Contact for more info, have your free body scan here!
So, with any health issue, nutrition info that you wish to know please don't hesitate to seek me, I just wish to share. Else, start your Healthy Active Lifestyle now with your group of gangs!! May God blessed you. _()_

Wai Mun

Get Rid of Diseases, Stay Fabulous :)