水、水、水……谁不知道水很重要呢?在这世上谁都不能缺水,地球不能缺水,大自然不能缺水,植物动物不能缺水,就连细菌都不能缺水!!!显然没有水 = 没有你!
WATER, Water, water......Everyone knew about the importance of water. No one in the world can live without water, the earth need it, the ecology need it, flora fauna need it and even bacteria need it!
We know water is important but to what extent? Let's mentioned some benefits here (view of human being)!
Other than benefits listed in the picture above, water also help to transport nutrition to our body cells and detox wastage. Main element of blood and lymph, and also help to neutral our body temperature.
当然很多人不清楚该喝多少才算足够,常听的8杯水又是多少呢?How much shall we consume?
- 我们人体构造约70%是水分,而大脑就几乎高达80%了!70% of our body comprised water, and our brain is almost 80%!
- 每个人所需的量也会不同,体积大的当然比矮小的要来得多。Different people need vary.
To know the ideal portion of water consumption, take your current weight times 0.07 then this is the amount that you need to drink daily. Imagine if a person insufficient supply water to body, the body will repeated using the leftover water (just like rancid water) in body to function (I guess the face won't be looking good with that)! In long term, Edema/Dropsy will happened.
平日我们透过呼吸、排汗、排尿等就已经消耗约2.8公升的水了, 加上马来西亚天气酷热,所以一定要定时补充水分!别等到口干才喝,因为这代表身体已开始脱水!
In daily life, we will use up to approximate 2.8litre water through breathing, sweating and urine. In addition with hot weather in Malaysia, regular intake of water is crucial! Don't wait until thirsty only drink because this is a sign that your body already start to dehydrate.
[个人建议至少每天3公升,你会有所感觉 Personal suggest daily consumed at least 3litre, you'll feel the difference]
饮料是水吗?Is beverage water?
那就要看看是什么饮料,若是绿汁、蔬果汁等勉强还算ok! 但是咖啡、红茶、汽水、罐装果汁、维他命水和红牛都不算哦!这些反而加速身体脱水!对于咖啡嗜好者,咖啡不是不可以喝,只是喝了以后要喝回3倍的水来補充水分。
It depends. vegetable or fruit juice consider yes. However, coffee, red tea, soda/pop drink, can drink, vitamin supplement drink and red bull are NOT! These will more dehydrate your body after drink! If you drink coffee, make sure you consumed back triple same volume of water to hydrate your body.
顺便提提,鼓励减少使用瓶装水。By the way, use less one-off water bottle.
- 一个瓶装水的寿命高达数千年,每年所丢弃的膠瓶都快装不下了,落后的国家就会丢进海洋,而许多海洋生物误吞导致呛死。尽可能减少使用瓶装水/用后记得回收,自带水壶。One-off water bottle which hard to decompose made our our burden with it. Some been thrown to ocean made sea's living died after swallow it. So, be try to reduce use of it (recycle after used), brings own water bottle.
- 常喝瓶装水也会酸化体质,许多畅销的瓶装水检验下得出的酸碱值都在5-6之间。Frequent drink of one-off water bottle will lead to acidic body as experiment carried out show most of the PH value are in 5-6.
总括来说,定时提供充足的水给你的身体。多益无害,免费保养!To conclude, regular intake water for supplying to body. Is a FREE tool to take good care for your body and health!
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