Yo! Gifts this for my dear mommy as her birthday today!!
At this stage of their age level, the most important is health! I knew calcium is crucial needed for woman because the risk of getting osteoporosis (bone density subsequent decrease) is high especially after age 40 and menopause.
This Calcium Plus with additional zinc, magnesium & copper further help in maintaining good health. It been proven that a friend's mom increased her bone density from 1.8 to 2.2...wow!
I believed it can provide my mom a strong bone structure! :D
女人非常需要钙质!! 尤其是40岁后和停经了的妇人。
这个Calcium Plus有额外的锌, 镁, 铜相等于为身体多了个保护层, 让身体变得更巩固健康!
我们康宝莱的台湾总裁之前有非常非常严重的骨骼疏松症, 因为透过那么棒的营养, 让现在52岁的她, 看上去像30岁, 体质年龄更是年轻 - 才25岁!!
想要改善健康的, 办法问我!!
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