Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy 1st Anniversary!! 营养一周年

1st of May!! I'm been taken Herbalife Nutrition for 1!! Time past indeed fast!! 我已使用了营养1年了!!

So what I have actually be improve?? 
Well, I just took nutrition meal for my daily breakfast as it is the most important meal of whole day!

Ahah~! This is my different before and after taking Herbalife Nutrition =) Any difference?
People who close with me may know that I'm a weak child! Means that I always get sick easily...Parents spent the most on me is medical sector. I frequently visit doctor, specialist and so medicine as candy. This cause me always look sick and pale (face and lips) like Jul'12 shown. Maybe is the way I ate everyday doesn't have a balanced nutrition, so I also experienced period pain, digestive problem, constipation and pimple face. Then, my sis suggested me to take this nutrition shake for my daily breakfast.
After the 1st month my period pain problem have gone, digestive problem and constipation have improved as well! Pimple problem also reduce a lot. Just 7 months and I realize my own different!!
I found those day photo taken in college with my friend and made a comparison. Hmm...then I realize my face and lips have some "red red" finally (Nov'13)! How amazing was this nutrition consumed just because our cells body consumed the right nutri they wanted! And now I have seldom eat medicine than before! In additon, I have bonus lose 2kg =) Thank you Thank you Thank you!!


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