Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lifestyle We Were Pursuing, You should too!

To all dear guys, friends and family,

I believe majority of you noticed that I was taking Herbalife Nutrition. In other way saying, it changed my life better and I believe will be more in future! In terms of health, I have better stamina unlike in the case when I'm in primary or secondary school, I always having hard breath after sports (1). My sister, being a personal wellness coach right now definitely had become better, healthier and prettier than before she took this nutrition (2). My parents, they may not have sufficient idea about health, ideal diet consumption intake and concept of nutrition right now, but my sister and I will surely take care of their health by serving such best nutrition and also lead them together towards the Healthy Active Lifestyle (3)(4). In terms of mentally, we have better environment surround with positive, healthy and supportive energy.

I typed this posts merely is to share with you guys about the nutrition. As myself had witness that a lots of people because of taking nutrition, they lose their weight, they gain weight and also for senior citizen, their health were at least be taking care on. Yet, what is the point that I want to mention here is, most of them had become healthier, healthier and healthier!!! (HERBALIFE: Sharing of Love :))

Actually by everyone known that where will be a disease came in, first definitely is obese. A doctor said, when you are obese, you are actually is a sick patients that need to be care on. An obese person had higher chance compared to others for getting stroke, heart attack, kidney failure & etc due to high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. Turn another way round, how do those came in? Is ALL About EATING - Diet Consumption. Maybe people will thought that high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes (5) is common nowadays as everyone are used to take "drugs"  by controlling them. But, are you willing to consume drugs everyday??? (6) Bear in minds, medicine is just a palliatives that temporary medical relief but not the root of causes!

For people who underweight, people will think that they have better conditions than an obese. Yet, this is not the truth. They thin most probably due to their villi in small intestine had spoiled and do not absorb any nutrition and fats from what they had ate. It also simply means that they have lack of nutrition (7). At the same time, they may have higher visceral fats (can know through body scan) than an obese person.

80% Nutrition + 20% Fit hours = 100% Healthy Active Lifestyle

Now, organic stuff everywhere, sports events everywhere...can't you saw that?? Health issue is the main concerned of this GLOBAL now!!! Don't continue to ignore anything that was happening right now. No matter chance given more or less, you don't grab it equality to ZERO!!

Nutrition help to repair and regenerate our cells. Taking nutrition is a long-term investment on our health, just like an insurance. "Prevent better than cure", health care do not conflict with your age. No matter what age your are, as long as we breath, we need! Even plant and animal need their own nutrients! When nutrition taken, your cells had consume "right food" then they will be strong, when your cells strong, you are not easily fall sick. Hence, you are definitely look good from your inner to outer when you are health!

Here, through my blog, I simply hope that each of everyone of you can have better, better and better lifestyle and good in health conditions, same to mentally. Everyday when I log in my Facebook account, negative posts were everywhere (read more positive book, found your solutions, posts it out may not help but made yourself more dept in that situations/chat with someone who capable to give guidance [person who have overcome in such situations]), several peoples health problem. As I have a better way to make myself better in such aspects, I also wish that this 'good fortune' may share to all of you.

Last but not least, few statement have to make here.

  1. This posts do not represent any party, purely from my own view and opinion.
  2. Herbalife is a cellular nutrition.
  3. Herbalife F1 is just a food, do not contain any healing effect. 
  4. Results might be different for everyone due to different body index and others factors.
  5. Everyone who start their Herbalife nutrition will have a personal wellness coach to guide you and assist you to get the result you want. Contact for more info, have your free body scan here!
So, with any health issue, nutrition info that you wish to know please don't hesitate to seek me, I just wish to share. Else, start your Healthy Active Lifestyle now with your group of gangs!! May God blessed you. _()_

Wai Mun

Get Rid of Diseases, Stay Fabulous :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Herbalife Nutrition Day

#Throwback of 25 October 2014

~5k fun run at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa~
As an sport lover, I'm truly hyper excited on that day!!
Early in the morning, all of us gather together at the field and warm up together (love the warm up session a lot)!! Imagine all people exercise together :D

The most unexpected was the National Squash Player of Low Wee Wern also join us together, OMG!! She is World Ranking No.5 and Malaysia Ranked No.2 other than Nicol David, also as an ambassador of Herbalife Nutrition (3rd year).




Yes, I enjoy this event and truly above the moon although I didn't get the medal but sure for next!!!

I had invited two of my current classmates and they seems to be enjoy as well, also had met lots of new friend =)

Healthy Active Lifestyle, Join Us More!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sweet 20th

Not much present received in this year birthday but all the regard were more than that!!
Is my pleasure that have three candle light for me to blow in this sweet 20th :)

 18th: Diploma and Degree classmate, Bhavani sent me a surprise on 18th 12am! Thank you for your effort & all the wishes!! Appreciated :)

 18th: Surprise given from roomate, thanks for purposely wait till 12am!! :D
  18th: Lunch treated again by current classmates...!! Thanks ya the tom yam...xD


 18th: Dinner treated by lovely family, Sushi Q, favorite fruits cake and SKIN Mask frm sister!! :D

I know many of you purposely wait until 12am 18th for just to send me wishes, thank you! Thank you for all call me, sms me, whatsapp me, line me, insta me, fb pm me and posted. (U know who you are and I know you are who :D)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Throwback of 2D1N @ Sepang!!!

Be Happy, Be Gratitude, Be Treasure ALL the MoMent no matter with WHO ~