Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hate in my recent life...

Hate my sCHool!
Hate teacher who is lAzY!

Hate teacher who is not responsible EnouGH!
Hate teacher especially who kept on tighting HERself with rigid rule!

Everything also "skema, skema, skema!"
Can't you just filter what students voice out in your brain first before looking on the "SKEMA"?
"Itu saje yang skema ada..." she said.
Are you a teacher? Do you act your role as a teacher??
Everything also call students done it for you without your guide instead still ask for students's opinion~
I was so sorrowful that PBSM was incharged by 'dim' will it be? Unpredictable...

" *Kamu jangan tamak. Tumpukan kepada 3 soalan sahaja. Mengapa mesti buang masa untuk fikirkan soalan lain yang kamu kurang tahu?? Jangan ikut cakap orang! " wrote by another teachar on my exam paper.

As a student of course I would like to earn more marks as possible! Shouldn't I do that??
I was using my left time to do that as I already complete those question that I target, it is not a waste of my time!

Haiz...but I might be said I do not regret that I have transfered to here. Is a good change for me.

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