Saturday, October 29, 2011




74520   其实我爱你
04592   你是我最爱
51920   我依旧爱你
259758  爱我就娶我吧
251314 爱我一生一世
2014    爱你一世
3213    相爱一生
2475    爱是幸福
7788    亲亲抱抱
8013    伴你一生
54420   我心只爱你
77895   紧紧抱着我
82475   被爱是幸福
13921   一生就爱你
1020    依然爱你
63120   来生也爱你
57410   我心只给你
2609    爱到永久 
20184   爱你一辈子
9213    钟爱一生
13420   一生只爱你
360     想念你  
370     生气了
520     我爱你  
720     亲爱的
748     去死吧  
1573    一往情深
3344    生生世世 
3399    长长久久
3406    想死你了 
4536    是我想你
5347    我相信你
5820    我不爱你
7456    气死我了
8013    伴你一生
04551   你是我唯一
0532184 你我相爱一辈子
0564335 你无聊想想我
1314925 一生一世就爱我
08056   你不理我啦
07345   请你相信我
08376   你别生气啦
20184   爱你一辈子
25910   爱我久一点
24637   爱是如此神奇
30520   想你我爱你
32069   想爱你很久
35258   想我就爱我吧
53880   我想抱抱你
59420   我就是爱你
203344  爱你生生世世
358520  我无法不爱你
440295  谢谢你爱过我
510885  我要你抱抱我
520025  我爱你你爱我
1392010 一生就爱你一个
2030999 爱你想你久久
5201314 我爱你一生一世
2050370 亲爱的我想亲你
0455820 你使我无法爱你
53770   我想亲亲你
584520  我发誓我爱你
720530  亲爱的我想你

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hate in my recent life...

Hate my sCHool!
Hate teacher who is lAzY!

Hate teacher who is not responsible EnouGH!
Hate teacher especially who kept on tighting HERself with rigid rule!

Everything also "skema, skema, skema!"
Can't you just filter what students voice out in your brain first before looking on the "SKEMA"?
"Itu saje yang skema ada..." she said.
Are you a teacher? Do you act your role as a teacher??
Everything also call students done it for you without your guide instead still ask for students's opinion~
I was so sorrowful that PBSM was incharged by 'dim' will it be? Unpredictable...

" *Kamu jangan tamak. Tumpukan kepada 3 soalan sahaja. Mengapa mesti buang masa untuk fikirkan soalan lain yang kamu kurang tahu?? Jangan ikut cakap orang! " wrote by another teachar on my exam paper.

As a student of course I would like to earn more marks as possible! Shouldn't I do that??
I was using my left time to do that as I already complete those question that I target, it is not a waste of my time!

Haiz...but I might be said I do not regret that I have transfered to here. Is a good change for me.