Finally I came back from d camp which I was keen expected.
V went 2 Pulau Pankor and hav a "Classic Camp", y I say so? V stay at Pangkor Indah Beach RESORT!! Camp? haha...4 person in a room with air cond...toilet applied n 2 single bed...woohoo
this is definitely makan angin...
1st Day>>>
V take about 5hrs++ to reach there~inside d bus...everyone will like desirously to take a nap...but failed...haha, coz it is too HOT inside d bus just like in a oven =.="
V all subsequently become active n sang chinese song under d guide from Keat Yin...ohno, I mean is just our gang PBSM org cina...haha (all standing at centre in d bus)
then reach jeti at 6pm & need 2 wait till 7pm...wth?!
v all take photo at there lah of coz...
later, v all gather at Dewan, all 91 student who join this camp divided in 10 groups n me & Boey is in group 3 name "KATAK" =.="" "Kami Ada Teknik Asas Kemahiran/Kehidupan" lol...
others group got 'Harimau, Keldai, Kambing, Lembu, Monyet, Kuda, Kucing Gatal, Ayam Jantan, Ayam Betina"...haha How cute!!
After another...v ply games & perform...
2nd Day>>>
After breakfast, v exercise at d near by beach & oso ply some activities too...of coz v hav ply in sea water...all WET! V all got sunburn...
V got 2hrs free time ... My friends & others go diving (all came back with blood & wound~lol)... n me, KY n PY chit chat in chalet room...KY complain with me n same case I hav given her advice n she oso agreed with me...
at night...v r oso gather at Dewan kept on d performance~~
3rd Day>>
pack our luggage, 12pm went to jeti...I guess i have lack of blood that inherit from my mom.
I felt extremely dizzy inside d just want to sleep then all d "head" making noise with fun..and i felt sooo ignoable! In very bad mood just want to yell at them...luckily violet saw me very "torturing" & call me go 2 her place there sleep...Again just 1 2 sleep, then reach d
inside d bus...all stamina singing chinese song again bcoz v change it ti "ko phew ko phew~"haha u noe wat i mean? Zzz...
A handful of people was not feeling well, my hand fan ady lost so i fan with my self & my little junior with cute little junior was having high fever...n v all take turn to look after her...she is summore MC lol...but I think she was enjoy in out 'laugh sound' gua...
PS: After this come, I can know well all my friend, they all have different characteristic...I respect them and help them as much as I can...Im actually admire KY that dare to do everything ahe least she will no regret...
PS: In conclude, I felt this is a quite sad camp because most of my friend was having sick, sad, sob and angry. This year is d most quarrel among my friends! I know you know.
PS: No one is the perfect, Respect others and learn from them. If friends is make some mistake just tell them. Not to ignore.
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