Monday, April 25, 2011

Kem Badan Beruniform

Finally I came back from d camp which I was keen expected.
V went 2 Pulau Pankor and hav a "Classic Camp", y I say so? V stay at Pangkor Indah Beach RESORT!! Camp? haha...4 person in a room with air cond...toilet applied n 2 single bed...woohoo
this is definitely makan angin...

1st Day>>>
V take about 5hrs++ to reach there~inside d bus...everyone will like desirously to take a nap...but failed...haha, coz it is too HOT inside d bus just like in a oven =.="

V all subsequently become active n sang chinese song under d guide from Keat Yin...ohno, I mean is just our gang PBSM org cina...haha (all standing at centre in d bus)

then reach jeti at 6pm & need 2 wait till 7pm...wth?!
v all take photo at there lah of coz...

later, v all gather at Dewan, all 91 student who join this camp divided in 10 groups n me & Boey is in group 3 name "KATAK" =.="" "Kami Ada Teknik Asas Kemahiran/Kehidupan" lol...
others group got 'Harimau, Keldai, Kambing, Lembu, Monyet, Kuda, Kucing Gatal, Ayam Jantan, Ayam Betina"...haha How cute!!
After another...v ply games & perform...

2nd Day>>>
After breakfast, v exercise at d near by beach & oso ply some activities too...of coz v hav ply in sea water...all WET! V all got sunburn...

V got 2hrs free time ... My friends & others go diving (all came back with blood & wound~lol)... n me, KY n PY chit chat in chalet room...KY complain with me n same case I hav given her advice n she oso agreed with me...

at night...v r oso gather at Dewan kept on d performance~~

3rd Day>>
pack our luggage, 12pm went to jeti...I guess i have lack of blood that inherit from my mom.
I felt extremely dizzy inside d just want to sleep then all d "head" making noise with fun..and i felt sooo ignoable! In very bad mood just want to yell at them...luckily violet saw me very "torturing" & call me go 2 her place there sleep...Again just 1 2 sleep, then reach d

inside d bus...all stamina singing chinese song again bcoz v change it ti "ko phew ko phew~"haha u noe wat i mean? Zzz...
A handful of people was not feeling well, my hand fan ady lost so i fan with my self & my little junior with cute little junior was having high fever...n v all take turn to look after her...she is summore MC lol...but I think she was enjoy in out 'laugh sound' gua...

PS: After this come, I can know well all my friend, they all have different characteristic...I respect them and help them as much as I can...Im actually admire KY that dare to do everything ahe least she will no regret...

PS: In conclude, I felt this is a quite sad camp because most of my friend was having sick, sad, sob and angry. This year is d most quarrel among my friends! I know you know.

PS: No one is the perfect, Respect others and learn from them. If friends is make some mistake just tell them. Not to ignore.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


is Wednesday!! :DD

Y Im so happy? :) haha...because got PBSM...Im enjoy in it actually o can b say as im ady addicted!

2day what's up? V r teaching about d method to carry a 'they'(AJK) teaching & im just help.

because of i got somekind of knowledge about i gt guide them sometimes...

I duno how will others think me as im just a normal member instead taken a position in PBSM
this is what a problem tat make me vexed...because when sometimes i 1 2 contribute o got an idea in any activities, I want to sound out and everytime i gt sound out too...but I scare others will think me too busy body o 1 2 campur tangan o what so ever...hmm...

haiz...duno lah..I do who am I, follow my own desire~

this is what my horoscope say today:
"Normally, you're able to maintain a healthy perspective, but today you could grow obsessive by trying too hard to make your point. It's counterproductive to worry about what others think. Just share what's on your mind and then let it go."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


19th April 2011

today is Violet's birthday...Happy Birthday VIoLet!!
I saw you receive present until no free ady..
Whole class was sang birthday song to you too~

3 days more, my friends and I will attend for the Kem Badan Berunitform that fully incharge by Edward Yap and his brother...

At Pulau Pangkor we will sleep inside the dorm...heard Y said a dorm can only squeeze in 6 person...and which 6 person that automatically came from my mind is "Alison, Violet, PYee, KYin, Michelle & me". I think this is a 'perfect group', but this will not go on~because 'this one' 1 2 sleep with 'that one', 'that one 1 2 sleep with others one', 'others one don't want sleep to that one' =.="

All PBSM girls that attend to this camp is 17 person... involve 1 form 1, 3 form 3, 2 form 4, 9 form 5 and duno lah~~

and now im wondering whether she will be sitting with me in the bus anot..coz you noe my friend "M" is too caring about I DON'T KNOW!!

I hope I 'will' be joy and can get a nice + happy memory from this camp la...