Sunday, December 13, 2015

Make LIFE Simple! 把生活简单化

I can't believe and I appreciated it! 
I'm glad my family and I being met with Herbalife Nutrition, such a great company which totally changed us to be a better, healthier, happier person! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! 


Oh...I should thanks the founder of Herbalife, Mark Hughes an American who is so keen to inspire and leading world people toward a Healthy Active Lifestyle by bringing the East traditional herbal knowledge combined with the West high scientific technology and produced such an outstanding cellular nutrition products! - For me, it is a holistic care on HEALTH.  

正确来说,我应该感谢康宝莱创办人 —— 马克休斯,一位尽所能影响及带领世界的每个人趋向健康活跃的生活。透过把东方的草药精华配合西方的高科技科学,成功的创造出一级棒的细胞营养产品……对我来说,它是个全方位的健康守护。 

I would like to define Health: According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO, 1948) 
[Physical-Looking great; Mental-Positive energy; Social Well-being-CSR (CASA Herbalife)]

So what I meant on Health mentioned above is exactly same as definition by WHO. 我上方所说的健康相等于世界卫生组织的定义。

My Changes 我的变化

A simple step to change. Suddenly found out a photo (left) which is taken in past 2 years, April'13. I'm actually quite grateful that I had been changed, not solely the physical look on me but also the inner (health + mindset), I knew myself well and indeed which none of anyone know. :) 

简单的改变。无意中发现这2年前左边的旧照片(2013年4月)。当我看见这照片时打从心底非常的感恩,因为我知道我自己的变化,不仅仅是外观,同时内在(健康+思维)也改变了。当中的变化就只有自己清楚了解。 :) 

Personal sharing: I easily fall sick until I mastered with medicine type :O Having digestive problem, lack of energy (easily gasp), period pain and pimples problem. After taking cellular nutrition, problems had been improved! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You I Love You, I Love You, I Love You!!


I did not do much to change, a simple step I do is just changed my breakfast to the shake (Let me emphasis, it is so tasty!!!). When my body start to absorb cellular nutrition, a fundamental nutrition that our body need, automatically my inner body function well and get back on the right track. Subsequently changed my appearance (pale face to looking great).  


Holistic Care 完整守护

Why I said it is "holistic care"? Because what Herbalife provided is not only consumable product but also guidance by personal wellness coach, concept instilled and brand name warrant (more than 30 years and 94 countries globally) where consumer rely on for assurance. 
为什么我说康宝莱是全方位的健康守护? 因为康宝莱提供的不仅仅是食用的产品,当中包括了个人教练的指导、概念的灌输及品牌的保证(超过30年的历史和94个国家)。

***Personal Wellness Coach 个人指导教练:To assist, analyse, interpret, monitor and provide or share information to consumer to ensure their health or progress  is under supervise and result achieved. Coach are all well-trained and brand of the brand! 辅导、分析、解说、给予或分享相关资料以确保顾客的健康/使用过程紧密监察和达到满意效果。教练们自身都是品牌中的品牌,受过专业的课程及训练。

***Concept 概念:Concept is very important when you are in the progress on health care, lose weight or even gain weight. "80% Nutrition + 20% Workout = 100% Mindset" is always stressed by Herbalife company. This aim to nurture consumer who can take care and adjust by themselves even without coach when they truly understand the concept. 概念在保健、减重甚至增重的过程中是非常重要的因素。康宝莱公司强力鼓励 “80%营养 + 20%运动 = 100% 思维”。这主要为了让顾客们能够独立看管自己的饮食及健康。

In brief, Herbalife company not only sell products. It is a series of service, from pre-service until post-service. What we concerned on is the result of individual and helping everyone getting better lifestyle through this nutrition and system of the company. Introducing balanced nutrition to the world is ultimate goal of Herbalife! 总结来说,康宝莱不是卖产品而已,它有着系统性的服务,从售前服务至售后服务。我们在乎的是个人的产品效果及透过公司的系统带给人们更棒的生活。把均衡的营养带给全世界是康宝莱的最终愿景!

Changes of My Sister a.k.a My Coach 我姐的变化(我的教练)

Same goes to my sister, she is a heavier appetite for food since small. Especially those spicy, fried food and etc. What making worse was she seldom drink water until having constipation, pimples and doesn't look great (healthy) as photo above left shown. In addition, she is the typical person who lazy to exercise and get sweat. 

But why she could lose weight in a healthy way? Is all about diet intake! "You Are What You Eat!" This is the proof that how a person's eating habit changing one's appearance. As you already had a bit idea on what she eat everyday at the "before" having the right concept, so guess now what she eat nowadays/everyday to change her become as shown of the right picture? Nutrition of course!! (We are taking HERBALIFE!! Cellular Nutrition!)
那她又是如何健康的瘦下来的呢?这都赖于她的饮食习惯。“你吃什么,你就是什么!” 这就是饮食习惯如何改变一个人的外观。想问问大家,既然你都大概知道之前的她吃什么了,那猜猜看现在的她到底是吃了什么?那当然是营养啦!我们都使用康宝莱—细胞营养!!

Ehem, is a bit chatter on my sharing and I would like to stop here la! Haha.
Hopefully it was a useful and great sharing!! =)

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***Results are not typical, individual may vary.