Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy 1st Anniversary!! 营养一周年

1st of May!! I'm been taken Herbalife Nutrition for 1!! Time past indeed fast!! 我已使用了营养1年了!!

So what I have actually be improve?? 
Well, I just took nutrition meal for my daily breakfast as it is the most important meal of whole day!

Ahah~! This is my different before and after taking Herbalife Nutrition =) Any difference?
People who close with me may know that I'm a weak child! Means that I always get sick easily...Parents spent the most on me is medical sector. I frequently visit doctor, specialist and so medicine as candy. This cause me always look sick and pale (face and lips) like Jul'12 shown. Maybe is the way I ate everyday doesn't have a balanced nutrition, so I also experienced period pain, digestive problem, constipation and pimple face. Then, my sis suggested me to take this nutrition shake for my daily breakfast.
After the 1st month my period pain problem have gone, digestive problem and constipation have improved as well! Pimple problem also reduce a lot. Just 7 months and I realize my own different!!
I found those day photo taken in college with my friend and made a comparison. Hmm...then I realize my face and lips have some "red red" finally (Nov'13)! How amazing was this nutrition consumed just because our cells body consumed the right nutri they wanted! And now I have seldom eat medicine than before! In additon, I have bonus lose 2kg =) Thank you Thank you Thank you!!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life Beyond: Share

Flip back my phone gallery and I notice this photo taken with my dual seniors - Tracy, senior of TARUC & Herbalife =)


She got skin eczema problem, through her father she contact with this nutrition. She taking F1 through the months process and no outside food just because F1 meal is all plant cells nutrition. Then in the 3 months process her part of eczema have been obvious recover until now. It is how God bless she think of because Herbalife Nutrition. Besides, after taking this nutrition her energy have been improved due to her body cell become strong and active (cells rich with nutrtion)!

Note: Herbalife Nutrition is just a meal, do not contain any cure effect. Result may be different to everyone. 

Sharing of the day! God bless all of you! Wish to have more elegant lifestyle feel free to follow me on facebook for more info!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Life Beyond: 心态正能量 —— 未知的世界并不可怕



















Life Beyond: 改变

昨天出席了顾客日, 让我看到两个字 - 改变

康宝莱不单单是营养、直销。。它更是一个有使命, 有爱和感恩的大家庭!

我看到的是每个人的改变, 不只是外貌身形上的改变, 也包括心灵上的成长。

我看到的是每个人的生活越变越好, 因为产品会说话, 效果显赫, 都让我们与众不同。

我看到的是每个不同的年龄阶层;不同的身份背景; 不同的原因而开始使用这营养、 开始这事业, 不管是想减重增重改善健康的人; 想改变让生活品质更好的人; 还是想赚取额外收入或开创自己事业的人。

不同的人, 使用同一个营养;
不同的人, 拥有同一份愿景,
为的只想让别人变得更好, 因为我们同样是人!!

For things to change, you have to change!!
For things to better, you have to be better!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Life Beyond: Change the Impossible to Possible! 把不可能变可能!

Who are he? He is Steven Jong! A Taiwanese president of Herbalife with an inconceivable background, heard his own part of story really inspired me! He took this nutrition for more than 18 years, of course helped lots of people getting better health & life through sharing! I would like to share that, people who taking nutrition are always look young because their body age is always younger than their actual age (Me as well!! hehe). 
他是谁?他是Steven Jong总裁,台湾人。听他分享的过程中得到了不少的启发!他有段不可思议的身份背景!!他使用了营养超过18年,真是越喝越年轻!当然当中帮助了不少人提升了身体素质和生活环境!使用营养的人通常都看起来非常年轻,因为他们的新陈代谢年龄总比实际年龄年轻得多(当然我也是呢 :D)


Yup, she is overweight for many years and because of high level of management, she was expert in booze with customers. Because of her unbalanced diet, lifestyle & slumber. This made her hormonal disorders, she can never have her menstrual cycle for more than years long and definitely can't pregnant. Through her daddy, she took this nutrition to manage her weight and inner health control, she successfully back to her ideal health level and finally got menstruation. She met her husband and was taking Herbalife nutrition during her pregnancy of 10 months. Now she was a millionaire in Herbalife and own a happiness family and life, how amaze was this!

No more explain, from 248kg to 1146kg -> total lose 102kg!! Nothing is impossible! If you believe, everything is possible!!

 For guys, will this inspired you? Because of busy lifestyle, he have no much time to eat. With our 3 min shakes, then we can have a balanced & taste good meal! He transform from 1 pax to 8 pax!! Is he look younger?? 

No more or less, I only share what I have witness. All is because of cell nutrition - Herbalife


Guys, you just have to simple believe. 简单相信,把不可能变可能。

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Life Beyond : Life event of Feb, Mar & Apr =)


新年期间,活动很多,幸运的让我看到马来西亚之光——Geraldine 颜慧萍 & Nicole 赖淞凤!


 妈妈带我去看Doraemon Expo < 3

 三月份 》 最爱的爸爸生日,我们带他去庆祝,“未来姐夫” 请吃、姐姐送限量版的公司手表、我买蛋糕!幸福的!!

Guess how we do that?? :D 猜猜看我和朋友们是如何做到“反地心引力”的??

Lastly, this is just happened yesterday! We have finished our last exam in 2 years Diploma! The last group photo we had before dismiss!! I will definitely miss you all! Take care friends, hope to see you in future =)
Diploma 生涯最后的回忆!!我们都笑得好灿烂噢 < 3