我觉得自己很傻,对待朋友的那颗怀念的心依旧,也许朋友们说过的“保持联络、Friend Forever” 之类的话早就不当一回事了,但我就是真真切切的保持着。
像现在这个时代,有了Facebook,朋友都在facebook add friend之后,又有几个真真有聊过天?Facebook真的很好,让我找回了许多朋友。
但趁现在放假这段时期我要尽量挽回我该有的Friendship,呵呵just wait for me吧!XD
What's this??
Is collection of letters from beloved friends :D
This from Lai Sum when she decided to transfer school at Form 1 :)
This from Pei Kah because of I'm also decided to transfer school after end of Form 1, love her decorations :)
The writing & design is like a kid definitely from Kar Yan, I believe she is improving :)
This from Wei Ting, those day we are same bus and just like a buddy even only for a year :)
This from Wei Yee, can't deny she had nice handwriting and decoration, is the nice study buddy :)
A card giving from Poh Yean for a parting of graduation =)
This is ancient & antics, we are same class but we still keep in touch with each others with letters. All I have kept it, she still delivered to my house even holidays and form one & form 2, from Li Yeen =)
(Oops, sorry that I don't know how to rotate it ^^) This from Hui Wen, just on a whim she sent me a letter and said we have to be keep in touch via this, but is just only once. Yet, I kept it too =)
All the Chinese New Year card I have kept from friends, love their childishness, appreciate their sincere heart =)
No matter how long the time had been past, it is all My Undergo, My Memory and My Record ~ I won't destroy my PAST =D
Perhaps I need to confront that, past is already past - Life Beyond