Wednesday, March 28, 2012



> 常常莫名奇妙的闹情绪
> 不善于表达
> 寧願別人麻烦我,也尽不麻烦人
> 在乎别人的看法


Monday, March 26, 2012

最后的决定! Take 2~

Tunku Abdul Rahman College! That All!

Sunday, March 25, 2012



打从一开始我就决定了要在TARC就读diploma然后去advance diploma~

我没想过我可以达到这么好的成绩,很多人说以我的程度可以得到更好的~(STPM\A-Levels\Foundation)而且还有scholarship tim~

9A's 可以在TARCUTAR拿full scholarship~

所以便决定了在UTAR咯~但就在读完1年的foundation(PJ Campus)后, 要跑到Sungai Long的UTAR Campus读四年的degree >> 住外面了! :(

-Michelle 拿 Certificate Accounts Technician
-Boey 读 Sunway College
-Hui Min 平面设计
-Keat Yin 读 Nursing
-Violet 修 Hotel Management
-Hooi Choo 修American Degree Program
-Hooi Keng, Hao Yiien >> Taylor A-Levels
-Alison, Poh Yun >> Foundation in Science
而我就Foundation in art 咯~


PS: Sincerely wishing all my beloved friends have fun in their studies! *Including me*
PS: Sincerely wishing my beloved sister has the ability to overcome her physically & mentally obstacles!
PS: I hope courage & conviction will always stand with me!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012






就只有华语拿B, 真没想到!



突然,"Lim Wai Mun!" 朋友们顿时看着我并欢呼,我也跟着欢呼便赶快跑上台!


最开心的是可以拿到full schorlarship! :D ^v^

最后只拍到这一张罢了。。。笑! *Kit Cha~*

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Many things to say...

Oh yea...I had missed out a lot here! fast is already MARCH!! 6 more days, 21st of March is the day of whole secondary school graduates expected day >>> Result of SPM 2011 finally born!
:~ sigh* I want 7A's, at least!!!!!

ps: I hope I can own it! Please... :/

Today, 15th March 2012...I want and I must go Genting before I intake to TARC (30th April) ! Visit the outdoor activities which I had been longing for several years.

With my working buddies, they all are crazy & mad!! And...I love it!!
I'm perturbed now because time really flied as a blink of an eye, I need to make up my mind as fast as possible before I begin my college life.

I have some unhappy now because I need to quit my recent part time job and say "Good Bye" to my working buddies now.
I'm sure I'll meet new friends continuously in my college life and subsequently will become another group of buddies. But, I will always remember everyone I had met. I swear :)

Maybe all of you don't know this >> "Friends is important to me, indeed."

*A friend in need is a friend indeed. * (I'll always remember this)
*True friendship will never changed. *

"Bye!" :D

Monday, March 5, 2012


Yo, so fast~~! Time really hardworking, it done it's job as fast as possible...

What I want to share is I really really enjoyed my recent life now!

Take a part time job could change me a lot :
:) Change my mind
:) Change my time
:) Change my plan
:) Change my view
:) Change my ability and ...
Change my economics :0

Every of my friends might know my parents was very strict to us...Thus, working part time job make me escape from home! I would like to make a sinister laugh now...HAHAHAHAHA!!

Woo~~! Best of my life definitely is met new friends, and I like to make new friends!

But I'm not the person who can make new friends immediately...just depends on my mood!

Happy mood lead me success in everything :)
Down mood made me fail in every task :(

That why I confront everythings with positive sight :D
What for to make ourself drop in a despair feelings?? Unless there is some troublemakerss!

PS: Happy Birthdayss to Heidi Chan (Tao's Friend) and Loo Ei Leen (BJ's Friend) :D

Later have a Birthday Celebration for Heidi Chan!