Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Midnight blogging~~


Update again!!

Well, I know I have missed many things here...

I worked at Tao already 1 month and 20 days. I almost worked everyday without OFF, hehe! I'm actually enjoyed while working time especially be a server because we can chit chat with our customers! But, sometimes if had met "fukahire" (bad manners) customers is definitely torturing my mood! We can't scolded the customers but still need to obey what they said, WTH!

Sometimes those customers really thought they are King, OmG!

I started my driving lesson before CNY and just a while, I had know every basic things already! Don't say I always blow my own trumpet ya~XD Even my instructor also said I'm talent! Muahahahahh~

I want to buy a new phone! My LG phone definitely can not use already, throw away also no one want lo...I want to buy but I have no any idea. Samsung or Iphone? Or maybe others? Hmm...I must get it before my college start!

All right, stop now & sleep. I must wake up 6.30am later for my next driving lesson. Good Night :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Once in the moment~


I really felt that~

I really felt "you", whoever be my friend is your lucky...
ahahaha...mayb "you"(my friends) will no think so.

But, Is true & truth! :)

My God! Is your honour u noe? wakakaka~~

Please don't think that Im drunk when typing this blog...
at least I noe im typing...

Haha, do you know what I mean? XD