Saturday, June 25, 2011

Applause! Applause! Applause!
1. For all particaipants & athlete...they were so spirit to win.
2. For PBSM medic members...we were trying ours best to save who in hurt

3. For PBSM teacher's, because we have free sunblock, free water & food...

yesterday sport day in stadium shah alam 2011, all audience crystal clear saw us carrying people & stretcher all d way...NON-STOP!!!

I believe we all are damn tired, wiped out, & exhaustedd!!!but seriously, i hav fun!!
since i was just step on d floor of stadium, i inexplicable felt happy coz i ady long time din't go to stadium!! look!!


we have 2hours 15min for break time, then all ppl go to rehat o sembahyang except PBSM which is sooooo clever stay inside d stadium...then, the whole stadium became our world!!

we all r superly hyper at that day...v ran!

A things to share that our president 'andelu'(andrew)'s shoe drop out when v ran on d track...

ahaha, i just want to say, "Andrew, u r so gorgeous"! Wooo!

one things, many of us is soosososososo disappointed that this year have not marching for badan berunitform...then~~~

v take this opportunity to materialize it!! COOL!

all were busying to do their own stuff, & me duno what to do :(

so i decided to take photo lo..."chak" "chak" "chak"! Take 1,2 & 3!Last! This is ours camp :-)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Excursion To Klang :)

Is Wednesday!
Firstly, im very happy got this trip because i have no such trip before this long time ago...
I call Michelle go but she dont, fine la~

Well, v hav 38 students & 2 teachers (Pn. King & Pn. Qistina), v go to d 福建会馆 to hear a talk about d education in Taiwan...seriously, it seem like not bad...d fee is free & they are mostly emphasis on 'specific technic'....

In d bus, i am super duper damn boring, all of them 'guai guai' sit on their places and sleep =.=
then i followed to do that, but not really

reach there-have fun-but boring(just for me)---u noe why? ask me la :P
but all my friends noe it...then i decide to kacau my friends...ahaha

v all r playing 'missed call' on d phone with, joyce, alison, violet, boey & win yan~
haha, it is because of boring...later on, when v walk around...
I saw my old old friend who stay behind my house before i shift...'bao ling'!
I call her with shocking sound, but like a silly girl, she face expression look like duno
I ask her can u recognize me anot? she said yes, wai mun ma....
but just a short while she went away with her friends ady...what such things was that?!!?!?!?!

when on d way back to skul...again...i was damn damn damn friends noe it...
all sit diam diam except me go here & there, squatted infront, squatted
i oso beh tahan myself, then keat yin, boey, douglas & me were busying with teck soon IPHONE's GAMES...finally i got something to do...hehe

v ply d games which is very 'ci geik', but meanwhile--reach skul liao..---hmm~~

okay, at least i have fun <3 :) =D

Friday, June 3, 2011

stRESS :/

I felt stress nowaday, seems like everyone around me is try to score higher than me...Im not saying Im d highest one...just like they try to aim me as a target...

Because of SPM this 3 big letters...all is start to hardworking now...including me...of course!

like my friend, YE, she say she is aiming me as a target...take my mark and compared with hers one =.="

she say like that I felt very stress de leh...and sometimes, when I score quite high mark in any subject...then my friend all will say..."yerr...y u so high de a... ... ... ..." like dat...actually I will very "bu hao yi shi" de lo... :/

haha...but anyway...I wish I can score flying colours in my SPM result and my friends too~!
Hope we can do well in our future... :)
"We Add Oil Together Ba...!"